Podcast Interviews

In this episode of Ends & Means, I discuss my views about the duties of the oppressed to others in their oppressed groups. If you’re interested in reading more about this matter, be sure to check out my dissertation: “Dutifully Oppressed: Essays on Duties To, and Duties Of, the Oppressed.”

In this episode of Ends & Means, I discuss my views about the sociopolitical ideal of colorblindness. If you’re interested in reading more about this matter, be sure to check out my dissertation: “Dutifully Oppressed: Essays on Duties To, and Duties Of, the Oppressed.”

In this episode of Ends & Means, I discuss my views about the aesthetic value of and the morality of telling immoral jokes. If you’re interested in reading the paper around which this podcast episode revolves, be sure to check out “Strong Comic Immoralism.”

In this episode of Brain in a Vat, I discuss my views about the aesthetic value of immoral jokes. If you’re interested in reading the paper around which this podcast episode revolves, be sure to check out “Strong Comic Immoralism.”

In this episode of Brain in a Vat, I discuss the work I have done related to parental licensure. If you’re interested in reading the paper around which this podcast episode revolves, be sure to check out “The Kids Aren’t Alright: Expanding the Role of the State in Parenting.”

In this episode of Brain in a Vat, I discuss the work I have done related to the speech rights of members of oppressed groups. If you’re interested in reading the paper around which this podcast episode revolves, be sure to check out “The Minority Retort: In Defense of Defection in Marginalized Groups.”

In this episode of Knowing Animals, I discuss my paper entitled “Cetacean Property: A Hegelish Account of Nonhuman Property Rights,” in which I argue that cetaceans such as dolphins have property rights in their oceanic habitats.

Written Work

Here’s a link to my interview with Rachel Sauer of the Colorado Arts & Sciences Magazine about my work on strong comic immoralism.

Here’s a link to my post on Marcus Arvan’s “New Work in Philosophy” blog about my work on strong comic immoralism.

Here’s a link to my blog post for ProSocial Libertarians entitled “An Irony of Identity Politics.”

Here’s a link to my blog post for ProSocial Libertarians entitled “Solidarity and the Speech Rights of the Marginalized.”

Here’s a link to my blog post for ProSocial Libertarians entitled “Rainbow Capitalism.”

Here’s a link to my post for Libertarianism.org entitled “How Lenny Bruce Paved the Way for Free Speech in Comedy.”

Here’s a link to my post for the Blog of the American Philosophical Association entitled “A Call for Feedback on Rejected Grad School Applications.”

Here’s a link to my guest post for the Juan de Mariana Institute entitled ““El Liberalismo Clàsico, la Crueldad y la Injusticia de la Ganadería Industrial” (Classical Liberalism, Cruelty, and the Injustice of Factory Farming).

Here’s a link to my post for Libertarianism.org entitled “Do Libertarians Care About Animals?”

Here’s a link to my post for the Blog of the American Philosophical Association entitled “The Importance of Unorthodox Narratives in Philosophy.”